
Research Paper Publication: 4 Steps to Journal Acceptance


Whether it is creative writing or research-related task, paraphrasing, rephrasing, rewording and rewriting are used interchangeably. But they differ slightly.

As a professional writer, you need to understand the difference so that each one of these techniques can be used accordingly in academic writing.

Paraphrasing versus rephrasing

Paraphrasing involves expressing someone else’s concepts or sentences in your own words while maintaining their intended message. It requires altering the sentence structure, word selection, and length to convey the same meaning.

On the other hand, rephrasing may entail more significant modifications to the original text, such as rearranging sentences or reorganizing the overall structure of the text.


Rewording versus rewriting

Rewording refers to the act of substituting individual words in a text with alternative choices that maintain the same meaning and structure, often by utilizing synonyms.

Rewriting involves making significant changes to a piece of writing, going beyond simple word substitutions or rephrasing. It typically involves a thorough revision of the content, structure, and style, aiming to enhance clarity, coherence, and overall quality.

Rewriting aims to improve the overall effectiveness and impact of the text, often resulting in a substantial transformation from the original version.

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